Modern Pilgrim Website • 2022
School Project • 2022
11 Techs
30 Commits
This app is used as social media platform. At Modern Pilgrims we like to share with you other peoples recent trips and a little bit about how it went. For instance, in each post you can determine whether or not you rate the trip out of five stars. As well as leave a summary of the trip, location of the trip, and even comment on your trip or others that you find comment worthy.
School Project • 2022
11 Techs
30 Commits
This app is used as social media platform. At Modern Pilgrims we like to share with you other peoples recent trips and a little bit about how it went. For instance, in each post you can determine whether or not you rate the trip out of five stars. As well as leave a summary of the trip, location of the trip, and even comment on your trip or others that you find comment worthy.